It should no way be construed as a recommendation or future outlook on the above mentioned stocks. As of 30th June 2021, AUM was 2.47 lakh crores.

Graph showing the number of times investment has increased/decreased in each asset class over the period. Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund Direct-Growth is a Large & MidCap mutual fund scheme from Kotak Mahindra Mutual Fund. Kotak Mutual Fund is the fifth-largest fund house in India in terms of assets under management. Past performance may or may not be sustained in the future. Kotak Mahindra Asset Management Company Limited will not accept any liability/ responsibility/loss incurred on any investment decision taken on the basis of this information. Hence, the performances are not strictly comparable. Unlike other investment avenue referred above, investments in Mutual Funds are subject to market risks. Performance charts for Kotak Classic Opportunities Fund (KOTCOPP) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. It can allocate 100 of its assets in stocks or invest 25 of them in debts or other instruments. Its investments are spread across medium-large cap markets. The comparison of Scheme Return vs PPF/FD/Gold has been given for the purpose of the general information only. Opportunity Fund is Californias leading microfinance nonprofit organization. The Kotak Classic Opportunity Fund is an investment option that primarily invests in the equity market and remaining in debt bonds or other money market securities. Year-end balance has been arrived at by adding interest at the rates notified by the competent authorities from time to time. While amount invested in traditional investment avenue has the highest safety for Principal invested, there is no assurance or guarantee of future performance of the scheme.

Source: AMFI website, PPF, RBI and MCX The above simulation is for illustration purpose only.